We exist to build a vibrant, inclusive democracy that puts power in the hands of the people

VOTE 2024

2024 is a big year for democratic elections, both in the UK and worldwide.

On May 2nd 2024, voters across England and Wales will be going to the polls. Voters will elect their local councillors, Police and Crime Commissioners, London Assembly members, or mayoralties in eleven authorities.

It's also very likely that the General Election will take place this year.

If you want your voice to be heard in our democracy, you must vote. We know that our political system has serious flaws, but voting is an important part of changing that.

Register to vote

You need to be registered to vote before voting.

If you move house, you should register to vote again.

Registering to vote is simple.

All you need is a couple of minutes and your National Insurance number.

We are campaigning to Register EVERY Voter. You can read about our campaign here.

Click on the link below to register to vote.

Vote by post

Anyone can choose to vote by post rather than going to the polling station.

You don’t need to give a reason.

You do not need photo ID to vote by post.

You can get more information about registering for a postal vote by clicking the link below, which will take you to the Electoral Commission’s website.

Bring photo ID

Voters will need to show photo ID at polling stations for some elections.

This applies to all the elections in England, Police and Crime Commissioner elections in Wales, and the whole of the UK for the General Election.

Accepted photo ID includes a Passport, Driving Licence, Older Person’s Bus Pass, and more.

Or you can apply for free Voter Authority Certificate by clicking here.

Click below to see a full list of accepted photo ID.